Sunday, December 30, 2012

The first week.

Before I came my friend Hillary that was here last year told me "You are gonna cry harder and pray more than you ever have in your life" 
I didn't believe her. How can going and working in an orphanage be so hard? I was so excited for my adventure. I thought getting out of Provo for a little was gonna be so nice. I was gonna come play with cute babies and life would be grand. 

"I never said it was going to be easy, I only said it was going to be worth it" 
I think thats the best way to describe it. 
Holy cow this is hard work! 
Its not easy waking up at 6 am every morning, or changing nasty poopy diapers with your hand, or handling 9 screaming two year olds at once, or keeping 8 newborns happy, or having a child cough and sneeze nasty soupa in your face, or dealing with 8 six month olds with pink eye and trying to avoid getting it yourself, or not understanding anything anyone says to you, or getting used to Ecuadorian food, or being in a different country for the first time, or missing your friends and family. 
But when you walk in that orphanage in the morning and you go wake up the kids and they all greet you with the biggest smiles saying "hola mama" it makes it all worth it.

A couple of us volunteers were sitting in a room the other night talking. We were sharing experiences about why we wanted to come and what we've gained so far.
We then started talking about how hard this does get but how much we love these kids. It's often easy to forget when we are there that we aren't just at a daycare. We are these kids mother figures. They don't have anyone else. That is what makes this all worth it. Knowing that these kids have no one else but me to change their poopy diapers, wipe their snotty nose, and give them love. 
I am learning and growing more as a person each day. 
I will forever be grateful for my experience here. 

I can do hard things!! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes Emily, you can do hard things indeed! We are so proud of you. We love you very much!!! Remember, "inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me". (Matt. 25:40)
