Friday, January 11, 2013

welcome baby

17 days old
6 lbs
long spiky brown hair with big brown eyes
found by police in an abandoned house

We welcomed a new baby boy into the orphanage yesterday. I was privileged enough to be working in uno when they brought him in.  Swaddled naked in a blanket from the hospital. Immediately Sor told me to start him a bath.  I bathed his tiny body, clothed him in my favorite sailor outfit, and fed his hungry self for the first time at the beginning of his new life. As I held this precious child of God in my arms I could not hold back the tears. For being only 17 days old I can not imagine what this baby has already been through. And as I think about the life I know he is going to have my heart breaks. 
He will wake up everyday for the first six months of his life in sala uno. Never allowed to leave the room. He will be bathed every morning, fed every two hours, and get as much attention as he can with 8 other babies surrounding him. As soon as he can sit up on his own he will move to sala dos. Where he will sleep and play in separate rooms but thats all he will see. Then he will move up to sala tres a little after his uncelebrated first birthday. He will then be able to go outside. Get a little bit more attention. He will only eat soupa and mysterious drink in a bottle for the first 3 years of his life. If he is lucky the workers will give him fresh fruit or animal crackers as a mid day snack, hopefully the other kids don't steal it out of his hand. Finally when the workers think he is smart enough he will start going to school and move to casas. Where its just every kids fending for themselves. This is the time where if he is a lucky child, he might have a chance of being adopted. If not, then he will forever be alone, and hopefully find a way to make a good life out of the cards he's been dealt. 

I pray everyday that these kids will have a chance at a good life. One full of happiness and love. And I thank my Heavenly Father numerous times a day for all he has given me. 
These children are my heroes. 


  1. Emily just like your dad said. You're amazing!! I just read through all of your posts and wish I were right along side you with those sweet children. It does seam daunting to do the same thing day in and day out.... its a great intro to how mother hood is lol ;). I am humbled by the great service you are providing and the experiences your sharing with everyone.
    Keep it up girl you Rock!!

  2. This brought tears to my eyes. I just want to gather up all the lonely, abandoned, sad, hurting children in the world and take care of them! All you can do is love them, and hope they feel that love for at least a little while. I wish there was more that we could do. The sweet little guy already got one great thing- the chance to live in a safe, secure place with happy and loving people taking care of him (compared to what could have happened).
